I absolutely agree with you that no one really has a healthy mindset with AI Tools. Both those who are vehemently against it and those that are overly for it. I think the reason so many artists were so against it is because they saw what ordinary people could do with it and looked at it as something that would replace their job. Much like candle makers and the light bulb, they thought it would render their job obsolete when that is clearly not the case. The piece itself is still quite good but I imagine getting some of the stuff to be as accurate as it is to your past work must have been a troublesome task. I've tried bringing concepts to life with mixed results because what I had asked was perhaps too specific and it can't quite handle that very well. Not without a firm talking to at least. Now there's an entire career to be made for people who craft good prompts based on what people are generally looking for. But I have also seen people misuse it by taking an image and training the AI to trace it rather than make a deviation of it. The tool ends up taking the blame rather than the person using it. Like any tool, it can be used for good and bad depending on how it used. Like a sickle can be used to cut down weeds but also bring people harm when used differently. I think AI art can be utilized to help string together concepts and be used to test out old ideas to see if it can be translated differently. I think your piece here exemplifies that nicely. I can understand newgrounds being against it given its history of traditionally made art being made by everyone anywhere. However I don't think it should be heavily excluded in the manner it has. But I understand wanting this platform to be clean of any spam that can come of including it or instances where stolen art is uploaded which has happened quite frequently on this platform. I've seen it personally with entire animation videos being re-uploaded by people. You have done a great job really capturing the energy of the original that this piece was trained on, really makes the space she is in cold while keeping the character alive and well.
The issue is when people use other artists work to feed the algorithms to make "art". If you are feeding your own art and style into it then I think it can be a useful tool to help an artist. My issue with this piece you've shared is that it looks very similar to a lot of other AI art I've seen. I'm not saying you are stealing it could just be this is how the AI interprets art, but then where is the originality in this? I follow so many different artists including you for all of their various art styles they've created.
I'd hate to see all of those styles go away and look very similar because of how an AI interprets their input.
Anyways I hope you are doing well, don't let hate stop you from experimenting. <3
Styles depend on the model/ink. If people are using the same model/inks for their mix, there will be similarities. It's only a matter of content saturation , it's not neccesarily caused by AI tool. Even humans copy each other. Look at anime and manga, they all look similar. Although it is possible to create a unique style in this new medium. It really depends on the artist's vision. Nonetheless, This is very close to my own style if you look at my past works. Tool simply gave it some extra kick.